Action moves the highlight bar moves one page down moves one page up Ctrl_PgDn moves to bottom of list Ctrl_PgUp moves to top of list Locator typing name at small blinking cursor moves highlight bar to closest match Enter edits highlighted choice deletes highlighted choice adds one entry returns to previous menu marks highlighted item for shopping list removes item from shopping list removes all items from shopping list Ctrl P Hold down ctrl and press P to print complete list Prices after coupon prices are shown Esc to continue Action moves the highlight bar moves one page down moves one page up Ctrl_PgDn moves to bottom of list Ctrl_PgUp moves to top of list Locator typing name at small blinking cursor moves highlight bar to closest match Enter edits highligted choice returns to previous menu marks yes that you have coupon marks no that you don't have coupon recalculates totals after you are finished marking which coupons you have Ctrl P Hold down ctrl and press P to print coupon list Prices net value will be $0.00 if coupon is $0.00 or if coupon is marked 'N' - Totals of these nets are shown Esc to continue Action , Esc rejects field Enter accepts field Ctrl_Enter accepts entry Ctrl_Esc or Esc from first field rejects entire entry Note: new items can only be entered from main menu choice "Item List" Item name name of item from item list Size item size Mfg. Coupon Value enter value of coupon Have coupon? point to N or Y and press Enter Esc to continue O We highly recommend that you make backup copies of your data files at least once a week or more often depending on the amount of new data you have entered. Backup copies are made while in DOS - not while running this program. Floppy users - use the DISKCOPY command to make an exact copy of your data disk. Refer to your DOS manual if you need help. At the prompt type diskcopy a: a: or diskcopy b: b: Hard Drive users - use the copy command to copy all files that have a .dat .k?? and .mem suffix to a floppy disk. at the prompt type cd\shopper Soft Key Systems copy *.dat a: PO Box 99755 copy *.k?? a: Pittsburgh, Pa. 15233 copy *.mem a: Esc to continue %Page Up for previous eM1 Keys Action Tab Moves the Highlight Bar to the First Letter desired menu selection of Selection Enter or Selects highlighted choice Item List View, enter or edit Item list Shopping List List of items marked on Item List Coupons Mark coupons that you have and enter prices (new items can only be entered on Item List). Set Up Set up store names and coupon multiples Quit Exit program Esc to Continue PgDn for more Action , Esc rejects field Enter accepts field Ctrl_Enter accepts entire entry Ctrl_Esc or Esc from first field rejects entire entry Store Name Enter store names for up to three store Multiple Enter 1 if store pays the straight coupon value Enter 2 or 3 etc. if store doubles or triples coupon value. up to enter limit store will pay on any one coupon if they have a multiple of 2 or 3 etc. enter a limit of $0.00 for stores that pay straight value (multiple = 1) Recalc After Coupon prices - press enter on this if you have changed any store information Esc to continue Action , Esc rejects field Enter accepts field Ctrl_Enter,Enter or accepts entire entry on last field Ctrl_Esc or Esc from first field rejects entire entry Item name *name of item Size *item size Mfg. Coupon Value enter value of coupon Have coupon? point to N or Y and press Enter Store prices enter prices for three stores After coupon price calculated from multiple & limit set on Set Up menu Aisle location of item in store Notes use for any notes you want to keep on this item *These fields are required. If you just want a simple way of quickly making a shopping list without worrying about prices you may choose to leave one or more of the remaining fields blank. Esc to continue Action moves the highlight bar moves one page down moves one page up Ctrl_PgDn moves to bottom of list Ctrl_PgUp moves to top of list Locator typing name at small blinking cursor moves highlight bar to closest match Enter edits highlighted choice removes item from shopping list press F5 to recalculate totals after removing items Ctrl P Hold down ctrl and press P to print shopping list Prices after coupon prices are shown Esc to continue Make sure is on line and ready. Choose which store to organize list by and press Enter to start. Esc to continue Action moves the highlight bar moves one page down moves one page up Ctrl_PgDn moves to bottom of list Ctrl_PgUp moves to top of list Enter selects highlighted choice Ctrl_Enter edits highlighted choice deletes highlighted choice adds one entry returns to previous menu Esc to continue COMPARE CPNS CPN_ED d M1 MENU SETT SHOPFORMt SHOPLIST SHOPRINT SIZE